How to create an abstract of website information

This function is only available in BINGOOO professional and BINGOOO corporate

You can create an abstract (a summary) of the information in the website currently loaded in the BINGOOO Browser. This may be necessary, when the information is very long. After clicking on the symbol Abstract, an external window, titled BINGOOO Abstract, will then open, showing a list of keywords and the summary. You can vary the length of the summary by a scroll bar.

How it works:

1. You have loaded a website with considerable information in the BINGOOO Browser.
2. Click on the symbol Abstract in the sidebar on the right-hand side. The window BINGOOO Abstract will be called up.
3. On the left-hand side you will see the keywords the summary (abstract) is based on. On the right-hand side you will see the summary. Normally, you will get the shortest version.
4. If you want a more detailed summary, you can move the mark on the scroll bar in the subject line of the window Abstract to the right by keeping the left mouse-key pressed.
5. The length of the summary will change accordingly and more keywords will be added to the respective list.
6. You can click on the symbols WebClip, ClipBoard, Print and Export to proceed.

By clicking on the symbol WebClip you can add the abstract to your clipping archive immediately.

You can find further information under:

How to add a web clipping (BINGOOO Professional)
How to edit a web clipping (BINGOOO Professional)
How to show web clipping (BINGOOO Professional)